Pyhät, pyhien elämät ja aikamme ohjaajavanhukset.
Rukous, ihmeet ja pyhiinvaellus.
Saint Anthony the Great
Saint Athanasios the Great wrote the Life of Saint Anthony the Great, which is "a pattern for others to follow, a model of the fulfillment of Christ's commandments..."
167 pages (including appendix)
25,00 euroa
Chronicles of Seraphim-Diveyevo Monastery
compiled by Metropolitan Seraphim (Chichagov)
99,00 euroa
819-sivuinen englanniksi käännetty teos on Divejevon luostarin kronikka, jonka kokoaja on pyhä uusmarttyyri Serafim Tšitšagov.
Introduction by + Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) of Diokleia
Compiled by Metropolitan Seraphim, who was martyred by the Bolsheviks in 1937
How the Sarov Monastery was founded? How did the Diveyevo Community was born? How saint Seraphim and the sisters of Diveyevo lived and struggled in Christ? How did the Mill Community developed? What happened after Saint Seraphim moved to the heavenly abode? What happened during the Soviet era? And what took place after the collapse of communism? What happened in 1991?
Edition includes:
Foreword to the edition from 1903
Chronology & Glossary
Manuscripts & Published Works
- of Names
- of Places and Subjects
Further Reading
Cell of the Resurrection, Mount Athos:
Athonite Fathers of the 20th Century 39,50 euroa.
In the lives of the twenty-four Athonite Fathers of the twentieth century the reader encounters heaven on earth, the Gospel in action, the continuation of the Incarnation. Following the Holy Fathers, these holy ascetics lead us on the Way and connect us to the clouds of witnesses gone before us. Their lives guide us on the path of repentance and their examples inspire us to divine ascent...
(katkelma kirjan takakannesta)
Elder Theophilos of the Great Lavra
Father Methodios of Karyes
Elder David of Dionysiou
Hesychast Phanurius of Kapsala
Abbot Evdokimus of Xenophontos
The Mysterious Recluse Herodion
"Yhteen aikaan isä Daniel Pyhien Arkkienkeleiden keljasta vieraili isä Gregorioksen luona synnintunnustuksella ja kertoi hänelle, että oli nähnyt näyssä kolme esipaimenta. Hän oli välittömästi kiiruhtanut kunnioittamaan pyhää Basileiosta, mutta "pyhä" oli ojentanut jalkansa ja käskenyt kunnioittamaan isovarvastaan. Kun isä Gregorios kuuli tämän hän hengellisellä erottelukyvyllään näki munkin harhan ja sanoi tälle: "Veli, sinä kunnioitit suurta paholaista. Jos se olisi todella ollut pyhä Basileios näyssäsi, hän ei koskaan olisi käskenyt sinun kunnioittaa varvastaan." (suomennettu katkelma)
Dr. Nicholas Baldimtsis:
Life and Witness of St. Iakovos of Evia
27,50 euroa
The Life of Saint John the Merciful
a model of meekness, charity, and love for his fellow men...
93 pages.
19,50 euroa
Archimandrite Ephraim Triandaphillopoulos:
Noetic Prayer as the Basis of Mission and Struggle against Heresy
15,50 euroa
"The name of Jesus acts as a medicine whose operation remains unknown to us, but which can be seen by the results it brings about."
- Archimandrite Ephraim of Siatista
Saint Patrick of Ireland:
The Confession
& the Letter to the Soldiers of Coroticus
14,50 euroa
Saint Patrick of Ireland describes with great humility the miraculous events that led him to become the apostle to the Irish.
Saint Adamnan of Iona:
The Life of Saint Columba of Iona
25,00 euroa
Miracles upon miracles... This book tells the life of a 6th century Celtic saint whose clairvoyance matches that of Saint Porphyrios (20th century).
151 pages.
columba (Latin) = dove
Saint Bede the Venerable:
The Life of St Cuthbert of Lindisfarne
18,00 euroa
"While shepherding on the border of Scotland and England, the young Cuthbert had a vision which led him to become a monk..."
Saint Gregory of Nyssa:
The Life of Saint Makrina and
On Virginity
Saint Gregory of Nyssa's beautiful and endearing portrait of his older sister...
121 pages.
24,00 euroa
by Fr. Clement Sederholm
31,50 euroa
by Fr. Clement Sederholm
29,50 euroa
by Tatiana V. Torstensen
34,00 euroa
by nun Maria (Dobromyslova)
35,00 euroa
30,00 euroa
Metropolitan of Argolis,
Nectarios (Antonopoulos):
Archbishop LUKE
Archbishop Luke Voyno-Yasenetskyi
A Saint, Pastor and Physician Surgeon
45,00 euroa
542-sivuinen englanninkielinen teos Simferopolin arkkipiispa Lukan elämästä:
"The Cross, persecution, sorrow, temptation are the legacy of the Church and of a true Christian. There is not an Orthodox Church that has not experienced her own persecution; neither has a saint lived that has not gone through his own furnace of afflictions, persecutions and temptations.
A moving witness to the Cross is also the figure of Saint Luke, Arhcbishop of Simpheropol and Crimea, physician, professor of toporaphic anatomy and surgery; a man with rare talents and spiritual gifts, with a stunning scientific training, who ministered to human beings as pastor and doctor, with an admirable self-denial and love."
Father George Calciu:
Interviews, Homilies, and Talks
33,50 euroa
"Father George Calciu (1925-2006) was one of the great confessors of Christianity in the twentieth century. Having survived the diabolic prison experiments of Communist Romania, Fr. George went on to become an apostle to spiritual seekers in Romania and, eventually, throughout the world. He was able to speak authoritatively of God's love and forgiveness because of his own experience of God's mercy..."
Elder Ephraim:
The Art of Salvation
57,50 euroa
Upea, värikuvin varustettu kokoelma
+ arkkimandriitta Efraim Filotheoslaisen ("Arizonalaisen") englanniksi käännettyjä puheita.
33 Homilies on the Spiritual Life. 398 pages, hardbound.
Let the Little Children Come to Me
Stories of Children Martyrs
35,50 euroa
"In the daily struggles of life, seldom do we find ourselves inspired to fully live up to our Christian calling. When confronted with the pressures of this world, we are tempted to cower and bow our heads in defeat. It is then that we need a helping hand or a good model to strengthen our feeble will... Let the Little Children come to Me is an awe-inspiring compilation of fifty children martyrs from the beginnings of Christianity to the 1900s."
Saint Jerome:
The Life of Saint Hilarion the Great
15,00 euroa
"The disciple of Saint Antony the Great, the Father of monasticism, Saint Hilarion lived in Gaza in great asceticism and ardent prayer to God, overcoming hordes of demons and conquering the influence of the passions..."
Eternity in the Moment - The Life and Wisdom of Elder Arsenie Papacioc
35,00 euroa
A Little Corner of Paradise - The Life and Teachings of Elder Paisius of Sihla
32,50 euroa
Metropolitan Philaret of New York - Zealous Confessor for the Faith
38,50 euroa
Words of the Heart-
Gerondissa Makrina Vassopoulou
1921 - 1995
54,00 euroa
"The venerable Makrina was blessed. All who read her discourses with prayer will sense the fragrance of Gerondissa's prayer, the scent of the desert of Mt. Athos as it was experienced in a coenobitic monastery, the spiritual life of this true child of true hesychast fathers, and true mother of blessed nuns."
- Metropolitan Hierotheos of Nafpaktos
Metropolitan Hierotheos (Vlachos):
A Night in the Desert of the Holy Mountain
24,50 euroa
Metropolitan Hierotheos is a frequent pilgrim to the Garden of the Panagia, Athos. After a spiritually fruitful discussion about the Jesus Prayer with a hermit monk, he published it as book that has become a a modern classic of Orthodox Christian spiritual literature.
Mother Nectaria (McLees):
Evlogeite! A Pilgrim's Guide to Greece
n. 900 sivua
49,50 €
God willing... more books coming...