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Apostle to Zaire
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Kirjahylly, in English |
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€14.70 |
Aslanidis Demetrios & monk Damascene Grigoriatis:
Apostle to Zaire
- The Life and Legacy of Blessed Father Cosmas of Grigoriou
In every generation there are those few exceptional souls who rise out of the conventionality of social life to become path-finders to the catholicity and otherworldliness of Christianity.
Heroic and uncompromising, they imitate Abraham and become exiles and martyrs for Christ, following Him with loving exactness and mountain-moving faith.
They “hate their life in this world” in order to keep it - and that of their neighbor’s - for eternity; and to successive generations they become models to imitate, witnessing, long after their departure, to the honour the Father bestows on those who serve Him.
Such a one was Blessed Father Cosmas of Grigoriou, enlightener of Zaire. Such a one was Blessed Father Cosmas of Grigoriou, enlightener of Zaire.